Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

It's Earth Day. I realized this as I was driving Ty to school this morning. And my first thought was, "I wonder which Disney nature film we can watch ondemand tonight after Eli goes to bed?" Also, it's like a cold tropical storm out today. It's called a Nor'easter or something. Whatever. Palm trees are blowing and it's too cold for flipflops. So it's Earth Day and I feel like I SHOULD do something good for the Earth, but we can't do anything outside (um, that's where nature is) and also, I am allergic to hugging trees. I'm not actually allergic to trees, but planting them and watering them and all that is not exactly in my wheelhouse. But I decided I am not going to completely cop out and I'm going to do something.....
Enter Pinterest. When you search for "easy earth day activities for kids" you get a lot of messy, outside things. Not so helpful. But I did remember pinning instructions for making ice cream in ziploc bags a while back. Inside activity....check. Easy...check. Good for the environment....check. I mean, I'm not driving to the store to buy ice cream that was made in a factory spewing out gases or something. We're using our own energy to make the ice cream. So yay! I predict it will be a hit....
Here are the ice cream in a baggie instruction!

So the other thing I might do is start composting.....seriously. I've been researching for the last couple of weeks. It seems easy enough and it would cut way down on our garbage, which is great for the Earth. But I'm afraid! I don't want to spend a lot of money on a compost bin, but I don't own a pitchfork and I don't plan on owning a pitchfork (for turning the compost), and I know I'm going to be totally lazy about it. Plus, what am I going to do with compost? Don't tell me to garden, I'm not there yet.
This is the kitchen scrap collection bin I'm looking at: It got great reviews as far as durability, small footprint, no/few crevices for yuck to build up.
Product Details
I'm thinking of using a rubbermaid bin and drilling holes in it for the compost bin. But I'm not sure where to put it in the yard (I'm supposed to think about things like shade and rain....what?). I'm also not so sure about watering it every now and again. That sounds like work. And also gross.
Anyone have composting tips to help me take the plunge?
Happy Earth Day! Go hug a tree, even if you're allergic!


  1. I planted a bunch of flowers etc yesterday; I think that's my Earth day contribution. Here's to hoping they live! I have a brown thumb.

    1. Mine is brown, too! I think that's why I have some small amount of confidence that I can decompose things....
