Monday, December 16, 2013

Made my day!

I got the best compliment today. I was picking up Ty early from school and also some work he had neglected. The school secretary told me his teacher brought the work and said she wasn't sure if she should leave it all because it was so much. Another teacher was in the office and asked who it was for, then after finding out it was for Ty, told his teacher that she should definitely leave all the work because Tyrell has a good mom that would work with him to get it done.  It completely made my day. 
It felt so good to hear that because I so often feel frustrated and as though I am failing as a parent in the education department (and being a former teacher is salt in the wound). 
The reason I'm sharing is because it was too wordy for facebook we could all up our game when it comes to encouraging one another. If you are thinking something great about someone, tell them! They could probably really use the pick me up, and you both could use the smile. :)