I always have the same 2 things to say to people getting married. 1: remember who you married and don't expect them to be or do anything differently after you are married. They will grow and change, and so will you, but he's NOT going to suddenly start picking his socks up off the floor. So don't waste your time getting mad about the socks because you knew that would happen going into it. 2: whatever you are arguing about in the beginning of your marriage is the same thing you will argue about forever. Seriously. We really only ever have one argument. The occurrence and intensity of the disagreement waxes and wanes, but it's the same thing. Everyone has their thing they disagree on.
But then we had kids. And there was some variety to the disagreements and an initial large uptick in occurrence**. But that's tapered off. Recently, we had our first "fight" since having kids. A heated debate, if you will. And it was about something new! How exciting! Wait for it.....wait for it......INSURANCE!! Yes, while we agree that the devil created insurance, we disagreed that we disagree about how to go about contesting our many denied claims. Which really, is just proof that the devil created insurance.
**I do not recommend having simultaneous children***, which is any form of multiple children arriving in your family separately, but within a close time frame. In the same way that I do not recommend going surfing if you cannot swim.
***I love my children dearly and I would fight anyone to the death that tried to harm them or separate my family. But if I had known ahead of time what the past 2 years would entail, there's a chance I would have found a very large cliff somewhere in this very flat state.
(Our heated debate is over. We have found common ground.)
Simultaneous children...SOOO with you on that one. :) --And just so you know, you're totally rocking it! ;o)