I'm totally wimping out on this one by breezing over family updates and giving you the quickest and yummiest soup recipe ever. Prepare to be impressed and to impress those you cook for.
But first, fam updates:
All in all, things are good. Ty is being a middle school boy. And if you think that's great, you obviously don't know any middle school boys. ;) I've gotten to know his teachers a bit better recently, but you know, kids....sigh. He's a good kid and he's so fun. I really enjoy getting to just chat with him and hearing how he views things and what is going on in his head. Ty has recently started piano lessons
(thanks to a great recommendation from my incredible friend Meghan for a fabulous teacher who COMES TO MY HOUSE(!!) for lessons. Actually, she goes to my parent's house across the street where the piano is and I send Ty across the street. I try to be present, but Eli thinks he should be the one taking lessons, so I usually end up with a screaming toddler in grandma's room or backyard. It's okay, nothing's perfect.). Ty loves piano lessons so far (and he's picking it up fast!). I know this will wane, but honestly? I just wanted to expose him to music. He doesn't have to do it forever. I had wanted music lessons for him from the start, but it hadn't worked out so far and I was trying not to feel too much mommy guilt from COMPLETELY FAILING IN THIS AREA. But thanks to Meghan, Ty has piano lessons, and I feel like a winner! :)
Eli is Eli. He turned 2 a few weeks ago and we had a Little Einsteins party where Eli ATE CAKE. It's true. He's incredibly finicky. I told Ty today, "Well, they don't call it the delightful twos." haha. He's been sick and I'm getting a little sick of it. The constant holding, the constant whining, the sleeping (or not sleeping) in my bed. I know he doesn't feel good, but a human being can only take so much. This time around I've dealt with my own emotions and frustrations better than I ever have, but can I just vacuum or do the dishes? It's all piling up. Even in his crabbiness, Eli is a joy and is absolutely hilarious. He has been exploding with new words. And a southern accent. Which is funny, because none of us have real southern accents. When Eli says "Tyrell" it sounds more like "Tai-rail". Yesterday he told me "I so firsty" (thirsty). We have a toddler basketball hoop in the family room that both boys love playing with. Ty always calls out the name of an NBA player before he shoots, so now Eli does too. He yells "Bron James" (LeBron James) or "Koby" (Kobe Bryant) as he's throwing the ball and it's the cutest thing in the history of ever.
Well now that you sat through all that, here is the super fast and delicious soup recipe!
1/2 lb italian sausage, casings removed
32 oz chicken broth, additional water, if needed
1/3 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 package of frozen tortellini
6-9oz of spinach leaves
salt/pepper or my favorite, nature's seasons (it's a spice blend that I pretty much use for everything)
brown the sausage. pour the broth in a large pot. add the browned sausage. add the frozen tortellini, bring to a boil. add the mushrooms. add some seasoning. boil for about 3-5 minutes. add the spinach leaves. As soon as they wilt, grab a ladle and some bowls and serve up some grub.